Fontainebleau (France), 3-5 mars 2009

Atelier Biosphere Reserves


Durée Intitulé de l'intervention Type d'intervention Intervenants ou animateurs
Journée 1
30 mn Companion modeling and Biosphere Reserves management Cours magistral ME
1,5H Application to Fontainebleau Biosphere Reserve (1) - Stakeholders and management entities - Ranking Exercice technique ME
1H Application to Fontainebleau Biosphere Reserve (2) - Resources and indicators
- Ranking
Exercice technique ME
30 mn Discussion Atelier collectif ME
1,5H Application to Fontainebleau Biosphere Reserve (3)
- Dynamics and socio-ecological processes
- Ranking
Exercice technique ME
1,5H Application to Fontainebleau Biosphere Reserve (4)
- Eliciting some key processes
- Discussion
Exercice technique ME
Journée 2
2H Application to Fontainebleau Biosphere Reserve (5)
- Interactions between Nature and Society
- Discussion
Exercice technique ME
1,5H Application to Fontainebleau Biosphere Reserve (6)
- Comparing points of view
- Discussion
Exercice technique ME
3H SylvoPast Role-playing game Jeu de Rôles ME
1H Role-playing games in Biosphere Reserves
- Tourism and conservation in Ouessant Island (Mer d'Iroise BR)
- Agriculture, hunting, conservation and water management (Camargue BR)
- Bee-hiving and Agriculture (Fontainebleau BR)
Journée 3
60 mn Evaluating the lack of knowledge
- Interactions between Nature and Society
120 mn Discussion
- Comparing points of view
- Discussion
120 mn Locating stakes   ME
60 mn Zoning the BR   ME

ME = Michel Etienne (INRA)
RM = Raphaël Mathevet (CNRS)